How to Avoid Sealcoating Problems When the Weather Gets Cold

Sealcoating at the end of the season requires a little more caution. Refined tar sealers (coal tar) are a better bet early and late in the season—asphalt emulsion is less tolerant of the colder temperatures, shortening its application season. Coal tar sealer should not be applied unless the temperature is at least 50° and rising, the asphalt temperature is at least 50° and rising, and there's no chance of heavy rainfall for 24 hours. A few hours of sun will also help on borderline days.

In colder temperatures, the particles that make up sealer can't fuse together. Refined tar particles need to soften for proper fusion in cold temps—the fusion of particles (refined tar, clay & fillers) is necessary to form a continuous film. Sealers that do not form a continuous film will appear patchy and grey. Sealer that cures in poor conditions will lack a deep black finish and durability. With the right conditions and execution, a good sealcoat can be applied throughout the season. For more tips or to purchase pavement maintenance materials, call 877-767-4622 or visit

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