How a Sealcoat Sprayer Works

February 09, 2021

How a Sealcoat Sprayer Works

Have you been searching for a reliable method to professionally sealcoat blacktop surfaces? Investing in an asphalt sealcoat sprayer can save you a significant amount of time, material, and money. If you're new to asphalt sealcoating, the equipment might seem complicated—but that's far from the case. In this guide, we'll go over the basics of how a sealcoat sprayer works, and why they’re a fantastic option for maintaining your asphalt.

How a Sealcoat Sprayer Works

The models of sealcoat sprayers vary in features and attachments, but each unit shares a handful of key components and functions in roughly the same way.

The Tank

To start, the sealer is fed from a drum, tote, or tank. Smaller sprayers typically draw from a 55-gallon drum and are perfect for the average homeowner. Larger units, ideal for contractors or property owners, are more likely to use a 275-gallon or 300-gallon tank.

The Pump and Engine

Once it leaves the tank, the sealer travels through a pump. The pump and engine ensure the sealer flows from its source at the ideal pressure. The specific pump and engine combination will depend on the unit used and horsepower selected. Durable, cast iron punks are more efficient than other materials, like plastic or aluminum. With the engine and pump up and running, the sealer travels up the hose. Excess material is fed back through the return feed for recirculation.


After traveling through the hose, the sealer is evenly dispensed and applied to the blacktop through the spray gun, or wand. Various spray tips are available, which control the level of precision and thickness of the lines. Using the right spray tip can both save you time and effort and help you achieve the best results.

Now that you know how a sealcoat sprayer works, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Before you use your sealcoat sprayer, make sure you've:

  • Checked the oil in your engine and topped it off;
  • Made sure your engine has enough fuel; and
  • Made sure you primed your unit for use.

A sealcoat sprayer can save you the hassle of applying sealcoat by hand, and will save you time, money, and materials in the long run. If you're looking for a simple way to achieve consistent, high-quality results, consider adding one to your arsenal of blacktop repair equipment.

NAC Supply is dedicated to the maintenance of asphalt surfaces, including driveways, parking lots, and roads. If you're looking for high-quality, long-lasting blacktop repair products, including sealcoat sprayers and striping equipment, come take a look at what we have to offer!

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